

A.D. 65- 155

Overseer of Smyrna (Modern Day Turkey)

As wonderful as it is to study the Bible for the last 17 years, and be instructed by its ever-living words, it has also been refreshing to study the life of the early Church fathers, to learn what the early Christians looked like after the apostles were gone, and to compare our current practices with those who were discipled by Jesus’ disciples. It is absolutely intriguing to read the writings of the men who knew those who knew the Lord (in the flesh).

Polycarp was born years after Christ ascended, but was in fact a disciple of the apostle John, the one whom Jesus loved. Polycarp was a friend and fellow laborer with Ignatius, who also was a disciple of John, and of whom we have numerous epistles to the Churches in the 1st, and early 2nd century. Polycarp was born much later than Ignatius and also outlived him by many years. Polycarp also had disciples, one of whom was Irenaeus, who is well known today in Church history.

Along with his holy lifestyle, testimony and martyrdom, Polycarp was also known for his work-  a beautiful epistle to the Philippians. This was the same Church that Paul established and wrote to during his pilgrimage. I counted and found roughly 77 Scripture quotations in Polycarp’s 3.5-page letter, which shows that he lived and breathed the Holy Scriptures! We need to learn from him. Many pastors today are sparse with the Scriptures, replacing them with the doctrines of men, entertainment and savvy stories. May it never be so with God’s faithful ambassadors.

In his epistle, we see him praising the Philippians for their faith and perseverance, just as Paul did previously, even boasting of their faith to all the Churches. The fact that they were still standing during the time of this letter is an encouragement to us all, that God is able to make us stand, no matter what we endure.

Polycarp uses almost poetic words as he speaks of our chains in Christ as being the ornaments of the saints, and diadems (crowns) upon the heads of the elect of God. He exhorts the Church to stand strong in the faith, to endure suffering, to live holy and to pray for all people, including our enemies. As I read through the pages, I feel a sense of holiness and righteous living that convicts me to be more than I am now. It compels me to pursue godliness on a deeper level, being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses who have poured out their lives unto Him who died for them.

I also read in the pages a great exaltation of God Himself, of Jesus Christ His Son, and very much clarity as to many truths that have been blurred today. He pronounces judgment upon those who pervert the gospel, and also declares that any who do not confess the testimony of the cross, or that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, or any who twist the words of God, especially in regards to the resurrection and judgment, such a one is the firstborn of satan! I have to say, but the disciple of Jesus disciple just condemned many of today’s big-time preachers, calling them sons of the devil. That’s straight forward.

He convicts me in the areas of prayer, fasting and showing more mercy towards others, reminding me that I also am under a debt of sin. He exhorts the Church to patiently obey the word of God, which is the word of righteousness. He makes very clear that salvation is not by works, but by grace, and yet in the same breath reminds us of our duty to depart from sin and live uprightly in all areas of our life, or we are in danger of judgment.

It is fascinating to read his letter, comprehending from his writings that he grew up on the heals of Christ’s disciples, whom we all know and love.  Equally fascinating is to hear him write of his contemporaries, fellow brethren in the faith of his time, new names unknown to the Bible. One brother, named Valens, he grieves over because he has left the faith and fallen into covetousness. We see Polycarp’s love for him, as he speaks of a desire for his repentance, and urges the Church not to view him as an enemy.

The theme that strikes me the most in this letter is to live holy, and be blameless before the world. James declared that that is true and undefiled religion before God, along with love for the poor. The brothers in the early centuries definitely exemplified that and we need to follow in their example.

We will end this report with the beautiful account of Polycarp’s martyrdom. As a rose when it is crushed lets off a beautiful fragrance, so the slaying of this saint only displayed the glory of God to the world, encouraging the faith of many and emboldening the suffering Church.

Polycarp, now an old man, was a shepherd to the Church in Smyrna, and very respected as one who had known the disciple of Jesus. Although the call went out to find him and have him executed, the Church continued to hide him for their own benefit. Who would want to lose such a guide?

But eventually, the time came that it was the Lord’s will for Polycarp to glorify the Lord Jesus through his death, and he had a vision while he was praying in which his pillow caught on fire, signifying how he was to be martyred. He was at peace and in no way disturbed by this. This comes from knowing and walking closely to Jesus.

Just as with our Lord, a “brother” betrayed his whereabouts and soon they came to his location. Now he could have escaped, but he had determined to put an end to this and fulfill God’s purpose, so he welcomed the soldiers in. He had the believers prepared food for his captors, and was permitted to pray before leaving. He prayed earnestly for 2 hours, praying for the guards, the Churches, and all those that he ever knew. It was so moving that some of those who had come for him repented for having to arrest such a godly man.

Nevertheless, he was taken, and others attempted to persuade him to deny the Lord Jesus, upon which he clearly refused. He did not count his life dear to himself, for he was not his own, he had been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Any attempt to cause him to spare his life in this world was futile.

Once in the stadium, Polycarp was again pressured to blaspheme Christ and so free himself, something that is extremely common through history. The fact that so often in different regions of the world the same spirit is at work, asking Christians to simply deny the Lord Jesus and live, gives us strong evidence that the world hates Christ Jesus because He is the Son of God, and the Savior of the world.

Polycarp’s second response was even bolder than the first, declaring that he had served Jesus for 86 years, and never had the Lord done him wrong; he was not about to blaspheme his King. On top of that, he boldly proclaimed that, “I am a Christian”. After being threatened with the flame, he responded in saying that this flame would only burn for an hour, but that the accusers were ignorant of the eternal flame of judgment that was coming upon all the ungodly. As Christians, we must have this eternal mindset as we walk through life, letting it govern our thoughts, affections, heart, and will. For this world is quickly fading away.

At the end of his speech he welcomed the flames and said, “Why wait? Bring forth what you want.” The proconsul was astounded as his faith, and had a herald declare 3 times, “Polycarp has confessed that he is a Christian.” Upon this provocation, the crowds demanded his death. The wood was quickly gathered, and after Polycarp’s prayer of thanks to the Lord, was lit on fire. Incredibly, for the glory of God, the flames had no effect on the brother, but he seemed to glow as bread that is golden, and a sweet fragrance immitted from him. The enemy seeing that he would not burn, ordered for him to be pierced with a dagger. When the blade penetrated his body, it is reported that blood gushed out so much that the fire was extinguished. These miraculous events made clear to the viewer that there was a difference between the wicked and the godly.

Polycarp’s body was burned but his martyrdom celebrated by believers, in remembering those who have gone before them, and also to prepare those who will walk in his steps, for the glory of God. Ultimately, dear reader, we are all called to such a life of sacrifice, if we belong to Christ. He has purchased you with His precious blood, He has blazed the trail before you. Because you are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, those who have left a history of faith, you also let your heart be entirely His, and come what may, but you serve Him with your life. As Leonard Ravenhill always said, “There is only one life, it will soon be passed, only what’s done for Christ will last.”


God’s Priests

God’s Priests

Malachi 2:7

“For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.”

Although this was written to the priests in the Old Testament, the principle still applies to ministers today. A minister’s job is to know the truth, and to represent God to the people; He is to relaying God’s word faithfully without perverting it. Unfortunately, today, just as there was throughout history, there are many false teachers, prophets and ministers who do not keep God’s ways, nor teach them in truth. For fear of what people will say, they carefully select which Scriptures they will teach and which they will avoid, and even condemn. This, my friends is a grievous sin, the punishment of which will be more severe, according to James chapter 3.

In verse 8 and 9 of Malachi 2, the prophet writes that the unfaithful priests have forsaken His way, corrupted YHWH’s covenant and have shown “partiality in the law”. We see this addressed repeatedly by OT prophets, and by Jesus to the Pharisees (Ezekiel 22:26-; Jeremiah 23:11- ; Luke 11:37- 54). It is expected that because man is fallen, we will always have the majority of ministers walking in corruption. Yet, God is seeking those whose hearts are loyal to Him, and He will show Himself strong on their behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Paul taught us in Galatians 1:10 that people pervert the truth because they are still men pleasers, and that we can only be one or the other, a pleaser of God or men. If you please men, you are not a bond servant of Christ.

So, if you are a child of God, that makes you a minister, and a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ; please represent Him well. If you are a teacher or pastor, don’t fear man, who can only hurt your body, but fear God who has the power to cast your soul into hell; yes, fear Him. Let your lips speak truth to all men, without partiality in any form. Be sure to teach on the mercies of heaven as well as the many warnings of hell. Let people come to you to hear the full counsel of God, every eternal word which He has spoken to mankind; then, your hands will be free from the blood of all men, and your fruit will be eternal in the heavens.

With love in Christ,

Jonathan Ball


Matthew 24:12, 13 “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Jesus promised that the world will grow darker and more wicked the closer it gets to His return. The hearts of many will grow cold, people will betray each other, even family members betraying one another; drugs, violence, lust and hate will all increase, and God will even send a strong delusion upon the earth so that those who do not want to believe the truth can hang themselves upon the gallows of deception. It is because of these things that there will be a great falling away from the faith, before the return of the King of all Kings, Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Now, although these will be days of great darkness, darker than anytime that has ever been, there is a powerful ray of hope that shines forth from the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ, “My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me; and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand..” (John 10:27-28). You see it was not by your power that you were born, nor by your power that you were born again. It is because of God that you were drawn to Him, it was God that intervened into your sinful life and called you.. you simply responded to His call. It was by His grace that you were saved by the faith that He gave you, and Jesus says that He is able to keep to the uttermost the life that you have entrusted to Him; no one is able to snatch you out of His hand.

With such wonderful assurance as this, we can surly have hope of enduring till the end. The key is in making sure that your heart has been given completely to your Master. For if you came to Jesus in full surrender, giving Him your life and your dreams, your heart, mind, body and soul, then when you are presented with the question, “do you also want to leave Me?” you will answer with Peter, “where else will we go Lord, You have the words of eternal life!” (John 6:68). It is to the glory of God that He leaves His children in this crooked world, so that we may endure all things, and shine as the stars of heaven, standing fast in Him and being a witness to all of His matchless power. So stand fast in His word and build your life upon the Rock who is Christ, for none can snatch you out of His hand!

Fools for Jesus

Fools for Jesus

In our modern culture, many people believe in Jesus, but to actually obey His words is another thing. If you really walk out verses such as “preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), you are called legalistic and unloving, and if you truly believe and act on Jesus command to sell what you have and give to the poor (Luke 12:33), you will be seen as a fool. But one day the first will be last and the last first, so be one who obeys the Lord’s commands, even if you seem foolish to the world.

Jesus says, “Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not the things that I say? (Luke 6:46)” When some said to Jesus that they would follow Him, He told them that the Son of Man had no place to lay His head (Luke 9:57, 58). Should we follow Him at that cost? Yes, we should, even though we will be judged by others. We should follow Him and do His will even at the cost of our health, our resources, our reputation, our pride, our blood, sweat and tears, and even our own lives. He died for us, so that we might live or die for Him. Will you serve Him at that cost? There is no other path that leads to life, although we Americans believe there is. Jesus said that anyone who desires to come after Him must deny himself, pick up his cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). If we desire to save our lives, we will lose them forever; if we lose our life for His sake and the gospels, we will find eternal life. Which do you chose?

In Hebrews 11 we see a list of people praised for their faith. Among them were some who had trials of mocking and scourging, of chains and imprisonment, they were stoned and sawn in two, they were tempted and slain with the sword, they wandered in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented- of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth (Hebrews 11:36- 38). Most of us have not suffered such things for our faith, but there are thousands around the world that endure these and worse for the name of Christ. Are they failures? Are they out of God’s will? By no means, but we were called to such things, even as Jesus our Lord was nailed to a cross for doing the Fathers will. So understand, dear reader, that if you chose to follow Jesus, it will not be a bed of roses, but rather a crown of thorns. Even so, chose that path, beloved; chose the narrow and difficult path, for it alone is the one that leads to life everlasting!

With much love for your souls, Jonathan Ball

Web: www.jonnyfivealive.wix.com/pyroounderground

Home Church: www.goodfight.org

Be Gentle to All

Be Gentle to All

Proverbs 18:19

“A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle.”

If you are a Christian and you share your faith with others, let me give you some advice, which is not really my advice but God’s. Do not purposefully offend others. It is true that God’s Word offends the world, but we are to be gentle to all, able to teach with a humble spirit so people may know that we sincerely love them.

When you offend someone a wall goes up and it no longer matters what you say, it will not get through. You might make perfect sense but because you offended that person, they want nothing to do with you and your words will fall to the ground.

Many have zeal without knowledge, and although they mean well, they lack understanding and do more damage than good. Like Peter in his zeal for Christ, they cut off the ear of the unsaved and make it even harder for them to hear the truth. Only the love of Christ can heal their wounds from an unnecessary offense.

So what am I saying, to at no cost offend others? Certainly not, since the preaching of the cross is an offense to the world, and truth convicts sinners, producing anger. What I am saying is you must speak the truth in love, with a humble spirit, so the person may know that you genuinely care for their soul. So yes, preach the whole truth of God with boldness; by no means compromise the Scriptures, but drench your life of preaching with acts of love, showing that you live the gospel you are proclaiming. Sacrifice often, buy gifts for others, serve the needy, clothe the naked, and love your enemies, praying for those who persecute you; and never quit proclaiming the good news of the cross of Christ!

America, WAKE UP!!!

America, WAKE UP!!!
My heart is so grieved over the state of our nation and over the condition of those who profess to follow Jesus. I know Paul warned Timothy that the day would come when men would no longer endure sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:1- 3), but it just breaks my heart to see. It breaks my heart to see so many people being deceived and led astray from the truth that is in Jesus. The battle is fierce. People truly have no clue how heavy of a war is being waged against their souls, but continue on with life as if there is nothing to be urgent about. AMERICA, WAKE UP!!! (Ephesians 6:12)
Life for the follower of Jesus is NOT about the American dream; that should have been nailed to the cross. The life you now live must be lived for Jesus and His will, for His agenda and purpose (Galatians 2:20). But if you are still living your best life now, you are headed for hell. Life is not about sports and comfort for the believer, but about sacrifice (Luke 9:23). Jesus bought you with His own blood, and if you are His, you must do His will (Luke 6:46). We are in a world that is perishing and we have been commanded to “GO” to every nation and preach the gospel to “every creature”, and to disciple the world (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19- 20). We must love our neighbor enough to reach into their lives and show them Jesus. Jesus both loved in actions and by speaking the word.
From the west coast to the east I see people who do not want to hear the gospel; their hearts are hard to God, they do not feel a need for Him. God will give us a need for Him soon. All across the States I see Christians and Church goers who think completely different about what is important; so many find it strange that we would preach the gospel in the open so sinners may hear the words of eternal life. Every sect has their views on the way things should be done, and there is division over who is right, all the while sinners are sinking into hell. Yes, heaven must weep.
It just tears my heart that correction is rejected, discipline is despised, so called Christians do not want to be told what they can and cannot do. “I can live how I want” is the cry of their heart, and so they can, and they will be following the counsel of the devil, who says “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law”. People heap up teachers for themselves that tickle their ears, telling them the brand of “Christianity” they want to have, which is no Christianity at all but is idolatry, forming a “Jesus” that they are comfortable with, one who will let them live for the world and think they are still right with God; But the world is passing away and the lust of it, and only those who do the will of the Father will live forever (1 John 2:15- 17).
Oh wake up you sleepers, awake and God will give you life. Listen to His voice, for He is the Resurrection and the Life! Come out of the tomb, take off your grave clothes and embrace the Son of the Living God!

Proclaiming the Gospel of Everlasting Life!

Proclaiming the Gospel of Everlasting Life!

Mark 16:15

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’”

We all have many ideas about Scripture and how we think it should be walked out, but what we need most is to learn what Jesus did and follow in His footsteps. There are different ministries, a diversity of gifts and activities, but the same Spirit works them all to further God’s kingdom on earth (1 Corinthians 12:4- 7). Whatever area God has called a person, we must all work together to fulfill the Great Commission.

The other day as the Lord led me to go preach the gospel in Huntington, I saw a big group of Christians huddled together near where I was. They were part of an outreach and all had the same shirts on. As I was preaching, I decided to stop and speak to them to explain myself, for I know what the modern Church thinks of such speaking. It is often looked at as judgmental and unloving, and I agree some preachers are, but not all. So I explained myself and took them through Scripture to show them why I preached this way. Then I asked them for prayer and continued preaching.

So the question is: is it Biblical to preach outside and out loud, or is it unloving? The answer is not in how we feel about it, since our finite thinking is not wise, but to see what God tells us in His infinite wisdom. The world “preach” in the Greek is kērussō and it means: To herald (as a public crier), especially divine truth (the gospel): to proclaim, to preach, to publish.

Now this is wonderful news as an evangelist, because this is what God has called me to do. It literally means to proclaim praise or announce a message loudly or in a public way, to be a public crier! So God’s command here is to publicly and loudly proclaim the gospel to every creature. God’s word confirms this through the prophets of old who would elevate themselves and proclaim God’s word to the people. Scripture also commands us to proclaim from the rooftops what was told you in secret (Matthew 10:27). Even on the day of Pentecost, Peter preached an open air sermon that lead 3,000 to Christ! Lord let it be!

So, my friends, if you have been called to this blessed task, let none discourage you, but press on! Your feet are beautiful to God and one day you will see the fruit of your labor. The gospel you bear is the most precious message of all eternity! And, brother or sister, if your calling is in another area of ministry, please support your fellow soldiers, for they are doing God’s will. Pray for them and do not reject, for they, like you, are obeying the command of the Master.

With Love in Jesus Christ, Jonathan Ball