Martyrs of the 1st Century

John the Baptist had a six-month ministry and then was beheaded for telling a king that what he did was “unlawful”. Jesus preached the truth for 3.5 years and was crucified by the world, being hated by it because “He declared to it that its deeds are evil” (John 7:7).
Stephen, being full of the Holy Spirit, rebuked the hard hearted religious leaders for never listening to the Holy Spirit, and was thrown outside and stoned to death, (the following Passover from the death of our Lord). As Stephen was dying, being pelted with rocks, he prayed that the Father would forgive his murderers. Following the death of Stephen, about 2,000 Christians were also martyred in the persecution that arose.
Ten years after Stephens death (44 AD) we see James the Great, the brother of John, being beheaded by King Herod Agrippa. So courageous and resolute was James as he went to go die that his accuser asked for his forgiveness, confessed himself a Christian, and joined James in being beheaded himself.
In 54 AD, Philip, after laboring diligently for the gospel in upper Asia, was scourged, thrown into prison and then crucified. In 60 AD Matthew, who we all know and love, after writing the gospel in Hebrew and preaching to the people of Parthia and Ethiopia, was later killed with a halberd (a spear like weapon) in the city of Nadabah.
Next we have James the Less, who wrote the epistle of James, and was the brother of Jude. James was martyred at the age of 94! He was beaten and stoned by the Jews, and then had his brains smashed out with a fuller’s club. Then we have Matthias, who was elected to take the place of Judas Iscariot. Matthias was stoned in Jerusalem and afterwards beheaded.
Then we see Andrew, who brought his brother Peter to Jesus, and later brought the good news to many Asiatic countries. When he got to Edessa, they took him and crucified him on an X shaped cross. Let’s look at Mark, of whom we get the book of Mark in the New Testament. This was originally written in Greek and was an account of the apostle Peters eye witness. Marks body was dragged to pieces by the idolatrous people of Alexandria.
Now to Peter, one of the pillars of the Church. Peter walked with Jesus for 3 years, then saw Him betrayed, saw Him beaten and verified that He had been crucified, yet Peter proclaimed the gospel until he was crucified upside down during the reign of emperor Nero.
Paul, that great apostle, who planted Churches all over the known world, suffered much for the name of Jesus, but continued to preach the gospel and make disciples until he was behead in Rome, also under the edict of Nero.
The author of Jude was also the brother of James the Less, and often called Thaddeus. He was crucified at Edessa, in 72 AD. Bartholomew, one of the 12, preached the gospel in a number of countries and also translated Matthews gospel into Indian, spreading the good news of Jesus there. Upon this happening, some idolaters brutally beat him and then crucified him there.
Tomas, who was also called Didymus, preached about Jesus in India and Parthia, and upon doing so, was impaled with a spear by angry pagan priests. The beloved Luke who worked closely with Paul was said to have been hung on an olive tree by Grecian pagan priests. Barnabas was supposedly put to death in 73 AD.
Simon the zealot preached the gospel in Africa, Mauritania, and also Britain, in which country he was later crucified in 74 AD. The beloved John founded many Churches in different places, and while he was in Ephesus he was called to Rome, where they attempted to boil him in oil. Supernaturally John was not affected by the oil, so Domitian of Rome banished him to the island of Patmos. John was the only apostle who did not die a violent death. While on the island he received and wrote the book of Revelations, and was later brought off the island by Domitian’s successor, Nerva.
In 67 AD there was a first great persecution of the Church, under the rule of Nero. He was so wicked that he lit Rome on fire, caused thousands of casualties, and then he blamed it on the Christians. Nero was so vile, and did whatever his evil imagination could conjure up: to some he would sow into animal skins and have them mauled to death by wild beasts, while others he would clothe in wax and light on fire in his garden, which is where we get the term “Roman Candle” from. This caused the Church to grow rather than diminish, as persecution fanned the flame of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of God’s people.
The second wave of persecution on a large scale was during the reign of emperor Domitian in 81 AD. Domitian was very cruel, and set out to destroy the line of David and all Christians. When they were brought to court, the trials were rigged as to ensure that those who professed Christ would be put to death.
Although it keeps going, I will end with the death of Timothy, the beloved disciple and protégé of the apostle Paul. Timothy was a faithful, humble, sincere believer and minister of the gospel. He continued the work of governing the Church of Ephesus until 97AD when he interrupted a pagan celebration of idolatry in the streets, and severely reproved the people to turn from their sins. Like expected, they were so angry that they laid hold of him and beat him with clubs so that he died within two days. Now I must say, If you are still reading this, that much of the modern Church today would accuse Timothy of being “unloving” in his approach to those celebrating sin in the streets, and these same professing Christians might be found at gay parades, condoning with their smiles the vile passions of the world, all in the name of “love”. The Scriptures beg to differ. We see the life of Timothy was completely devoted to Jesus, and helping people to know the way to eternal life. He traveled the world with Paul to share the gospel, spent time in jail for the name of Christ, and exemplified the love of God and man through his sacrificial life.
On and on, our Christian heritage is soaked in blood; in the blood of the saints. Not only is it their blood, but their willful sacrifice to die for the truth. Almost all, if not all of them, had a chance to deny their faith and be free of suffering in this life, but they refused. WHY? Why do we see such passion, such urgency, such sacrifice for the mission that Jesus left the Church? Why especially do we see that all of those who saw Jesus in the flesh dedicate the rest of their lives to spread the good news to the end of the world, to the point of great suffering and brutal deaths? History attests to these facts. No one in their right mind would surrender to such ruthless murder for a lie. Surely, These witnesses saw something that changed them forever… the resurrected Lord.
And that is the purpose of this paper, to compel Christians into a deeper walk with Jesus, that we would be stirred with an urgency, a calling from God, to further lay down our lives for Jesus sake and the gospel. Nothing else matters. We must be ready when He returns, and we must help others to be ready also.
Jude 1:14b, 15
“Behold the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

Man’s Arrogance, and Hate For God

“We no longer feel ourselves to be guests in someone else’s home and therefore obliged to make our behavior conform with a set of preexisting cosmic rules. It is our creation now. We make the rules. We establish the parameters of reality. We create the world, and because we do, we no longer feel beholden to outside forces. We no longer have to justify our behavior, for we are now the architects of the universe. We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves, for we are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.”

Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny


This is the world’s prideful, blasphemous mentality at its finest. Man has always wanted to be God, and now that we have a little bit of intellect, advancement in science and technology, man immediately declares himself “god”. He casts off restraint and all accountability, freeing himself to do as he wants without consequence, (which is actually the law of satanism). The heart of sinful man completely loathes the thought of being accountable to a moral God, who will not allow them to do whatever their wicked heart desires. When God became a man, we crucified Him, but when He returns again, He will bring a sword in His mouth and fire in His eyes, and will judge the living and the dead. He will punish with eternal flame those who have spoken such blasphemes against Him (Jude 1:14, 15) and have refused to repent, but will bring into eternal life those who have put their trust in His unfailing mercy. Oh world, run to the King today and find mercy, for why would you die in your sin?! God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that you would turn and live! (Ezekiel 18:32; 33:11)

What Should I Pursue?!

Proverbs 23:4, 5

“Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease! Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven.”

The world is living only for this life, not knowing what will happen afterward. Because of this, they are getting all they can in the short years allotted to them. Sadly, all that people are pursuing will perish, from the new shoes to fancy cars, the big homes, and more than that, even their dogs will die and their own bodies also, no matter how many facelifts they get.

We are given insight into eternity from our Creator, who is counseling us to abandon our worthless pursuit of worldly riches! Cease! They will all fly away! Rather, work your jobs and get what you need, but exhaust your energies into Christ! Seek to further His kingdom and do His will, for His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom that will not pass away!

Condoning Sin

Condoning Sin

Acts 22:20

“And when the blood of Your witness Stephen was being shed, I also was standing by approving, and watching out for the coats of those who were slaying him.”

As the Churches of the world fall by the wayside and more and more cave into the pressures of this world, compromising truth to please the masses, there is a line in the sand that is being scrubbed out. With this line removed, the floodgates of compromise have been released and every evil thing is gushing out, all in the name of love.

As the word “love” get’s thrown around and sang a million times in each contemporary song, remember that the greatest command is not to love man, but to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:29). If we love God we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). If we say we are loving people but are opposing God’s word, we are neither loving God nor man (1 John 2:4).

The line that has almost been washed away by our ever-darkening world is the distinction between a Christian showing love to a sinner and a Christian condoning the sin of a person in the name of love. God never condones sin, ever in all of Scripture, but rather declares His judgment upon it and those who practice it (Ezekiel 18:20; Revelations 21:7,8). He commands His people to hate what is evil and cling to what is good (Romans 12:9).

The common example in the US is that of the Christian baker who was friends with some homosexual customers, but when asked to bake a cake to celebrate their homosexual wedding, he declined. That being said, he was taken to court and lost his business. Now many Christians, Church leaders and Pastors have asked themselves, “would I bake the cake?” And it seems today that many have said, “yes, to show love to the couple.”

Now this in a sense sounds kind and loving, but I want to ask you: where does the line stop? If a known sex trafficker were to ask you to fix his vehicle that you knew was used to transport sex slaves, would you fix it in the name of love? Of course not, I hope! I would actually pull some parts out of his engine and call the police, in the name of love for those poor slaves.

How about making a cake to celebrate a recent abortion or a wedding between a pedophile and a 12 year old? Of course a Christian would never condone such wicked things because it would be promoting actions that God despises; things that we all know are wrong. By doing so we would be guilty of condoning sin. Things are excepted today that used to be appalling; and mark my words, there will be no end to the wicked things that will be condoned in the future.

When we look at the Apostle Paul’s confession, he expresses his guilt in the fact that he was “standing by approving” of those who were stoning Stephen. Paul’s hand was holding no stone, but he was supporting those who were. In doing so, he was guilty of murder.

When we look at Romans 1:32, people were condemned not only for practicing sins worthy of death, but also for giving hearty approval of those who practiced them. Even when Paul saw the Apostle Peter acting as a hypocrite, he did not condone it but rebuked him to his face, because he loved God, loved Peter, and those effected by Peters sin.

So how are followers of Christ supposed to treat people that are still practicing a life of sin? Our prime example is the Master Himself, Jesus Christ. In John 4 Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well. Now keep in mind that Jesus loved this woman so much that He was going to die for her sins soon after they met. Jesus starts by breaking cultural rules in befriending the woman, as Jews had no dealings with Samaritans. She is surprised by this and then Jesus starts speaking to her about spiritual things, intriguing her even more. After offering her living water, He then does something that most professing Christians will not do today; He confronted her sin. Before she could have this living water, she had to be convicted of her fornication.

Today, we would call this judgmental and awkward, but Jesus knew what was needed for her to find life. And behold, she believed! He revealed Himself as the Messiah and she was radically saved; not only she, but also the whole town through her witness! Hallelujah!

Today I plead with any and all who live for Jesus: please follow in His footsteps! If you have misunderstood love by condoning sin, please turn from doing that and follow the way of the Master. He is so much wiser than we. By all means, love sinners; feed them, clothe them, befriend them, share the gospel with them, and remember that you yourself once lived the same way, but by no mean do anything that would promote their sin. Don’t put a rainbow flag on your Church in the name of love, but do love homosexuals. Don’t pay for a drug addicts next fix, but do pray for him and give him a sandwich.  And above all, share the everlasting gospel with them, which is able to give them life forever more! That is love!

Abide in His Teaching

Abide in His Teaching

2 John 9

“Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.”

The apostle John makes the truth so clear; if we do not walk in Jesus teachings, we don’t have God. If we follow Jesus by obeying His commands, we have the Father and the Son.

So many profess to know God yet carve their own path, act as the architect of their own salvation and walk in the primary law of Satanism, “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law.” Jesus said it best when He proclaimed, “Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?” (Luke 6:46).

It is a principle that is well understood by the world, that the proof is in the pudding; you will see what someone truly believes by watching their walk. If they say they love Jesus on Sunday but their face book posts show them exalting drugs, alcohol and the lusts of the flesh, then you can safely assume that they still belong to the world.

Ultimately, let us just walk the talk, or don’t claim to love Jesus. To deceive one’s self is the worst predicament a man can find himself in. The Bible repeatedly says, “do not be deceived!” (1 Corinthians 6:9; James 1:16; Galatians 6:7). If Jesus has saved you and radically transformed your life, and if you have been born again, translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the glorious kingdom of light, then you will have a new desire to follow and obey your King!

Let us ever set our gaze upon the Author of Life and let us hang upon His every word. Let us cherish and love His commands, for they are good. Let us not think twice but to obey His every charge, and let our allegiance be absolute, even unto death. For though you might die in this life, yet if you believe, you will live again. (John 11:25)

With love for the world,

Jonathan Ball

“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to keep what he cannot lose.”

Jim Elliot


Abandon Ship!

Abandon Ship!

1 Corinthians 1:21

“For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believed.”

Ask yourself this question, “What do I REALLY believe about God and eternity?” because the answer to that will be seen in the way that you live your life. Do you really believe God’s word (2 Tim. 3:16,17)? Do you believe what He warns about sin (Luke 13:3,5)? Do you believe that God created all things including yourself and that He knows your thought life (Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 4:12)? Do you believe that He will one Day judge the world in righteousness as He has said (2 Cor. 5:9-11)? Do you believe in His repeated claim that there is an eternal place of judgment for the wicked and an eternal future in the heavens for those who love Him (Matt. 25:46; John 5:28,29; Daniel 12;2)? Or do you merely say you believe, and live for this world as though Jesus were not coming back? Such a person is a hypocrite and is the very reason people accuse the Church of hypocrisy (Matt. 25:51).

My discipler used to always say, “in an insane world, a sane person seems insane.” I have found that statement to be very true. The world will think you’re normal if you get drunk, smoke drugs, look at porn, curse God daily, and live for yourself; but as soon as you turn away from those very destructive habits (that hurt everyone around you) and start pursuing  righteousness, you are labeled insane. You are insane the moment you stop living for yourself and start to live for Christ and others. They also called Jesus insane, but look at what He has done for you. He alone has made a way to escape the fierce wrath of God, by shedding His own blood on the cross.

Because we live in a fallen, sin ridden world, infected by darkness in every way, the wisdom of God seems foolish to people. But little does the world know that this pleasure cruiser called life is headed towards an iceberg, and when it strikes it is going down, along with all who are on it. God is calling all on board to jump ship into the rescue boat that He has provided, who is Jesus Christ His Son. As the world parties, it laughs and scoffs at those who they deem stupid for jumping over board, leaving the pleasures of this world. But it is those same “foolish” people who are calling out to them in love, to warn them of the danger ahead. When the ship strikes the rock of judgment, who truly will be the fool?

I plead with all today: this world is shifting, unstable and wasting away. Do not build your life upon it or you will regret it for all eternity. Rather, build your life upon the very words of Jesus, for His words will never pass away. Repent, and believe the gospel today!

With love for all,

Jonathan Ball

1 John 2:15- 17 “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are not of the Father but are of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it. But he who does the will of God abides forever.”


False Grace vs Amazing Grace

False Grace vs Amazing Grace


James 4:6

‘But He gives us more grace. Therefore, it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”’

The grace of God is something so amazing and wonderful that when it is realized by its recipient, it produces a deep gratitude for the rest of that person’s life. It produces an ongoing awe as the depths of the undeserved gift continue to be revealed throughout the persons walk with the Lord. Each time the believer sees the darkness of their own sins, they are reminded of the extent to which Christ has forgiven them; any blessing received after forgiveness brings equal amazement in the fact that the Father, through Jesus Christ, has not only not-destroyed us like we deserve, but now is even giving us many good gifts from heaven, as if we had done something wonderful to deserve it. In fact, the Wonderful One is Jesus Himself, who took our place, received the wrath owed to us, and gave us all of His heavenly riches. Absolutely amazing.

There is, no doubt, a false grace that has been presented throughout history, even being mentioned by the seventh from Adam, Enoch (Jude 1:3, 4). Jude, the half-brother of Jesus, redirected his entire epistle as he saw the necessity to warn the Church of these false- grace teachers. He urged us to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints, therefore I am lead to continue exposing the false, and continue magnifying the true grace of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I will keep it short and to the point, so I may keep your attention. What is false grace? False grace is being told that God’s sloppy love is such that He will simply forgive all of our sins no matter what we do or how we live. There are no standards or rules to abide by, we are simply ALL sinking in grace. This is just not biblical, and is a venomous fallacy. It is in songs, pulpits and books. It pollutes a person’s understanding of grace and robs a person’s fear of a holy God. The person receiving false grace feels free to live for their own will (Matthew 7:21), “falls into sin” repeatedly as a practice (as a planned event) (Galatians 5:19-21), and has no desire for holiness – without which no one will see the LORD (Hebrews 12:14). They will hear those terrifying words on the Day of Judgment: “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:21-23). Those who preach this grace have their judgment proclaimed since the beginning of creation (Jude 1:4).

True grace, which has been hijacked, is the most amazing gift anyone could ever receive, because, by its very definition, means a gift given that is not deserved. It is only given to those who humble themselves and acknowledge their sinful state, and recognize their desperate need for a Savior. God will, and wants to give this to any person who comes to this place in their heart. But He not only refuses grace to the arrogant and prideful, but even opposes them. The prideful are those who justify their own actions and do not submit to their Creator, but follow their own path.

God’s heart is that none would perish, but that all would come to repentance and faith in Jesus (2 Peter 3:9). He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32). But if a person persists in their wicked ways, and reject His offer of undeserved forgiveness, then He will eventually destroy them, and that without remedy (Proverbs 29:1).

What will you choose, dear reader? Perhaps you have chosen already, and I pray it is the right choice. For the Scriptures are quite clear; God will not be mocked. We will reap what we sow. I plead with each of you, that you would turn from sin and choose the grace of God; the most priceless gift in all the universe. God will take your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. He will wash away your crimson sins and make you white as snow. He will change your destiny from an eternity in the lake of fire to an eternal abode in the heavenly’s, with all of His kingdom available to you… nay, “belonging” to you, who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17).

What, oh what will it be??


Love Jonathan Ball



Matthew 24:12, 13 “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Jesus promised that the world will grow darker and more wicked the closer it gets to His return. The hearts of many will grow cold, people will betray each other, even family members betraying one another; drugs, violence, lust and hate will all increase, and God will even send a strong delusion upon the earth so that those who do not want to believe the truth can hang themselves upon the gallows of deception. It is because of these things that there will be a great falling away from the faith, before the return of the King of all Kings, Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Now, although these will be days of great darkness, darker than anytime that has ever been, there is a powerful ray of hope that shines forth from the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ, “My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me; and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand..” (John 10:27-28). You see it was not by your power that you were born, nor by your power that you were born again. It is because of God that you were drawn to Him, it was God that intervened into your sinful life and called you.. you simply responded to His call. It was by His grace that you were saved by the faith that He gave you, and Jesus says that He is able to keep to the uttermost the life that you have entrusted to Him; no one is able to snatch you out of His hand.

With such wonderful assurance as this, we can surly have hope of enduring till the end. The key is in making sure that your heart has been given completely to your Master. For if you came to Jesus in full surrender, giving Him your life and your dreams, your heart, mind, body and soul, then when you are presented with the question, “do you also want to leave Me?” you will answer with Peter, “where else will we go Lord, You have the words of eternal life!” (John 6:68). It is to the glory of God that He leaves His children in this crooked world, so that we may endure all things, and shine as the stars of heaven, standing fast in Him and being a witness to all of His matchless power. So stand fast in His word and build your life upon the Rock who is Christ, for none can snatch you out of His hand!

Stand For Truth

Stand For Truth

1 Peter 4:11

“If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.”

When Moses walked the earth, he spoke for God and was hated by many; centuries later however, the Pharisees spoke well of him as if they would of liked him. But just as their forefathers did, they too would want to stone Moses if he lived during their age, and they proved it because of their hatred for their present prophets, namely John the Baptist and Jesus Himself, who were both killed for their words.

And you also, man or woman of God, must resolve within yourself that you will live to please God and no one else, for you cannot please both. If you speak for God, as we are commanded, you will be hated by the world (John 15:18); you will also be misunderstood by your brothers and sisters at times. Do not be disheartened, for before you there was a great cloud of witnesses who also lived for the will of the Father (Hebrews 11; Hebrews 12:1); They were stoned, sawn in two, beaten, they hid in caves and wandered about in sheep skins, of whom the world was not worthy. For with God, the last will be first and the first last. He is the One you are to aim to please (2 Corinthians 5:9).

So press on, dear soldiers, and set your eyes on the One who went before you, the Author and Finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). He brought light into a sinful world, and laid hold of the cross, despising the shame, because He looked passed that to the joy of knowing that millions upon millions who sat in darkness would see a great light, be loosed from the chains of judgment and receive everlasting life! Yes, let that be the apple of your eye my friends. For when you speak God’s word faithfully to the world, they will be convicted, they will get angry, they will despise you as they hated your Master, but be of good cheer, look past the shame; look unto the many souls that might be saved from everlasting destruction because of the power of your message. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe..” Romans 1:16

With much love, Jonathan Ball

“Only one life, will soon be passed, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

Leonard Ravenhill

Sodom and Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah

Jude 7

“As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”

Recently I have been very disgusted to hear that people are now pushing our nation to tolerate and accept pedophilia. Pedophilia is a heinous crime and should be strictly punished, as children are being victimized and manipulated for the perpetrators selfish pleasure. Below is a video on Hulu promoting child/ adult relationships; the whole video is geared towards causing the viewer to accept the concept of a boy marrying a grown man: There is actually an organization called N.A.M.b.L.A. that fights to change the laws that hinder adults from sexually assaulting children. Another article shows that even Cambridge University in England has allowed the promotion of such wicked views to infiltrated their establishment:

It should make everyone of you sick, and the promoters of such should be thrown into jail; but sadly, the way our country is going, people like me will probably sooner be thrown into jail for speaking truth while pedophiles are cheered on for coming out of the closet with their brave new concepts.

Folks, this is the end result of the satanic spirit of tolerance in our world. When we are pressured to just accept every form of sin, then the floodgates are opened and every filthy desire of hell comes rushing through. When God’s moral standards are rejected, even by professing Christians, and when those who stand on moral absolutes are considered “haters” for actually saying something is “wrong”, the result is that “all goes”! Since there are no boundaries, America praises a man for becoming a woman; since there are no moral standards, America defends the right for a man who is gender confused to use a woman’s restroom regardless of the danger that a little girl might be in there. Since God’s ways are thrown out, the 6,000 year old definition of married is redefined, allowing men to marry men and adopt little boys. And now, since the walls are down and everyone is tolerant of everything accept truth, the devil will drive home his perverted agenda and the world will simply accept it; even protect and promote it. Lord have mercy on us.

I must proclaim that God is holy! He will by no means clear the guilty (Numbers 14:18). Drunkenness is wrong, homosexuality is wrong, hatred is wrong, fornication and lust are wrong, idolatry, covetousness, greed, selfishness, not loving God,  not loving others are all wrong, and those who practice such things will by NO MEANS enter the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9- 11; Galatians 5:19- 21) . Unless the world repents it will perish (Luke 13:3). The stench of perversion in Sodom and Gomorrah finally reached heaven and God had enough; He rained fire and brimstone upon them all as an example to us of His holy retribution. Even today you can find balls of sulfur lodged into rocks in the vicinity of Sodom and Gomorrah, more condensed (98% sulfur) than any other place on earth. Billy Graham’s wife, after reading her husband’s book about the conditions of America, proclaimed that if God does not judge America soon then He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

God must punish sin, and He will. Look at the bloody cross and realize that that was supposed to be you; it was supposed to be me. Because Jesus died, you can be forgiven. Because He was raised, you can live forever. Please, let us all turn from the wickedness of this life and put our faith in the Lord Jesus. Let us follow Him down the difficult path of righteousness while the world continues loving evil. The wrath of God is coming and will be executed against all unrighteousness and ungodliness of men, consuming them with unquenchable fire. Throw yourself upon the mercies of Christ today, and escape the judgments to come. God is rich in mercy and is willing to wash your sins away, never again to be remembered.

Surrender to the God that made you, the God who gave you life. His hands are stretched out to you today… will you come to Him?

With deep concern for the world, Jonathan Ball


Home Church: